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[Template] Creating Sales Challenges: Instructions & Scorecards

Copy and paste the contents of this guide to quickly build impactful WorkRamp Challenges for your Sales Team

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WorkRamp Challenges are arguably one of our most powerful features.  They create seamless, impactful opportunities to “challenge” your team to put their skills to the test and receive valuable coaching insights as a result.  This guide outlines a few standards types of Challenges our clients often create for their sales teams.  This guide is designed for Admins and Content Creators to copy and paste the learner instructions, reviewer instructions, and scorecard questions directly into a new Challenge and be able to roll it out in minutes.


Section Admin Instructions

  • How to Use this Template

Section Discovery Certification

  • Pre-Challenge Resources
  • Challenge Template

Section Product Demo Certification

  • Pre-Challenge Resources
  • Challenge Template


WorkRamp Challenge Creator
WorkRamp Challenge Creator

Included Modules

Flip Card
Flip Card
Text Questions
Text Questions